Monitoring & Control
Distribution Dispatch Control Center(DDCC)

4.1 Introduction of Distribution Dispatch Control System (DDCS)

Supervisory control system is a specific device capable of providing executive control and confirm whether the command is executed. Supervisory control system usually designed to collect large amounts of data, related to the operational information of the entire power system, commonly known as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System.

The comprehensive automation of power dispatch and control refers to the Hierarchical Dispatch Control System(HDCS). According to the power dispatching operation, it is divided into three levels: Central Dispatch Control System (CDCS), Area Dispatch Control System (ADCS), and Distribution Dispatch Control System (DDCS), responsible for the supervisory control and operation of 345 kV, 161/69 kV, and 22/11 kV systems. The operation and maintenance are respectively carried out by Department of System Operation, each Power Supply Branch belong to Department of Power Supply, and each Branch belong to Department of Power Distribution (totally 23 Branches).

Figure 4.1 Distribution map of Distribution Dispatch Control System (DDCS)

The comprehensive automation of power dispatch and control takes the computer equipment of the dispatch control center as the core, takes the substation as the end. Information terminal equipment (Remote Terminal Unit, RTU) installed in the substation, which connected with the computer equipment of the dispatch control center through communication lines, is responsible for providing information of equipment in the substation and accepting operation command. As to achieve the comprehensive automation of supervisory control and data acquisition.

Figure 4.2 Architecture diagram of Distribution Dispatch Control System (DDCS)

The functions of SCADA system includes: Data Acquisition, Data Processing and definition, Supervisory Control, Alarm Display and Control, Periodic Collection and Reports, Sequence-of-Event Recording, Trend, and Man-Machine Interface.

The work of the duty personnel in the Distribution Dispatch Control Center (DDCC) includes: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Emergency Load Shedding and Partition Rolling Blackout, Street Lights On/Off and Lighting Management in Substations, Voltage Control, Inactive Power Device Control, Lower-Voltage Operation Control, Operation Data Query, Air Defense Intelligence and Lights Control.

4.2 Introduction of ADMS

4.2.1 Promotion and Benefits of Advanced Distribution Management System(ADMS)

The Situation of TPC promotes advanced power distribution management system (ADMS)

(1) According to the description of the SMART GRID INDEX document 2.1 Monitoring & Control, Monitoring & Control is divided into three stages: SCADA, DMS, and ADMS. The ADMS functions should include on-site real-time data collection and control (SCADA), Automatic fault location, isolation and supply restoration(FLISR) and outage management system (OMS) application. Taiwan Power Company has developed various power distribution application management systems since 1992. As of the end of December 2023, it has established outage management system (OMS) and Feeders Dispatch Control System (FDCS) with functions such as SCADA, FDIR (Automatic Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration , or called FLISR),and feeder single line diagram and GIS (geographic map information) in 23 Distribution Branches, covering 9,045 automated feeders 32,296 automatic switches included, the proportion of automated feeders has reached 90%; the whole 23 FDCS systems in operation are equipped with ADMS functions, the automatic Fault location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR), described in SMART GRID INDEX file 2.1 Monitoring & Control.

(2) In response to Taiwan’s goal of 20% renewable energy in 2025 and the “Smart Grid Overall Planning Plan” in 2030, the number of downstream power recovery units will account for 90% of the total number of power restored within 5 minutes, the traditional distribution network will face the impact of renewable energy on the distribution network Stable power supply and the ratio of the number of restored power units have more stringent requirements on dispatching efficiency. However, the distribution-level dispatching system is set up, but it need the new system control function corresponding to the distributed power supply (including renewable energy) and the newly expanded smart grid function application. Therefore, it is planned to build a new generation of advanced distribution management system (ADMS) to integrate multiple operation information [such as distribution map, smart meter (meter data management system), solar photovoltaic, microgrid, electric vehicle (distribution-level renewable energy management system) , fault indicator (FCI) and distribution transformer terminal equipment (TTU) and other information], introduce smart grid control functions to optimize distribution scheduling, reduce grid connection impact, maintain distribution network stability, and delay traditional distribution equipment (transformers, feeders, etc.) due to power supply demand The construction time and service life are required to improve the quality of electricity and the construction efficiency of power distribution equipment. Therefore, in 2019, the company began to plan and design ADMS systems that comply with renewable energy regulation. In 2020, standardize the technical content and in line with the development trend of ADMS in the world. In June 2021, the tender is officially announced, and the case will be decided in January 2022. The winning bidder is the ADMS development team composed of MINSAIT ACS, Taiwan Fixed Network and Xiangzheng Company. The construction period is 3 years and it is expected to be launched by the end of 2024.

Promotion of advanced distribution management system(ADMS)

The process of building an advanced power distribution management system

In 2007, the FDCS system (Siemens) of the winning Kaohsiung Distribution Branch will be selected to promote power distribution areas throughout Taiwan. The FDCS system acceptance project was carried out in Taoyuan County.

Table 4.1 TPC FDCS system establishment process

Current implementation of FDCS system-wide environment
  1. There are currently 23 FDCS systems in operation and their distribution is shown in Figure 4-1. The system has been built successively since 2004, which can provide the ADMS functions required by Taiwan’s 22kV and 11kV power distribution feeders.

  2. The FDCS GIS database is updated from OMS to the FDCS system by incremental update at least twice a week. The data will be verified in OMS before the data is imported into the FDCS system, and the imported data will also be verified before launching it into the real-time database of FDCS system.

  3. In the 4 Distribution Branch, Taipei City, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Kaohsiung, the FDCS system monitors both the Meshed network and the Redial network. The FDCS systems in all other Distribution Branch only monitor the normally Redial network. The FDCS system can automatically perform fault detection and isolation and upstream power recovery, or provide options to be executed after the plan is confirmed by operators, and provide downstream power recovery recommended operating steps.

  4. FDCS system provides dispatcher training simulator (Dispatcher Training Simulator, DTS), which can be used for time-testing training of operators in daily dispatching operation exercises. All operators must test different power outage scenarios in the DTS server.

  5. FDCS performs local and remote backups daily and weekly to improve the reliability of the dispatch system.

Figure 4.3 Automated system build distribution map

Existing system architecture

The FDCS system is applied to the power distribution system 11.4Kv and 22.8kV overhead and underground Redial network distribution feeders. The feeder dispatching control center’s servers monitor the operation of the distribution line through the communication system and the feeder information terminal equipment. When the line fault occurs, it can quickly and automatically isolate the line fault section, automatically restore the power supply of the line's sound section, and provide GIS map information for the dispatcher and the on-site repair personnel to the area affected by the accident.

Existing system Function Description

  1. Control center: It mainly provides SCADA+FDIR functions, and has geographic map data (GIS) processing capabilities, providing operators with complete operation screens and dispatching information; and when an accident occurs, it can assist operators to quickly restore upstream and downstream sound sections to restore power. The expansion capacity provided by the system allows feeders and substations in the whole district to be included in the scope of Distribution Feeder Automation.

  2. Field equipment: It can monitor various substation information terminal equipment (FRTU), feeder information terminal equipment (FTU) and other equipment installed on Redial network means or Meshed network.

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) function


SCADA provides GIS display for operation


Device Location Function

Easily navigate to required display from alarm event list, equipment tag, road name, landmark, etc.


Feeder Schematic Display(SLD)

Feeder schematic display based on electrical network topology

Circuit Breaker status on feeder schematic display based on electrical network topology

Circuit Breaker operation display with integrated information

Integrates various types of information on operation display

Incident detection, isolation and power recovery (FDIR)


Database incremental update and information exchange

  1. Software will check the updates in OMS and export into supported format to import into FDCS databse.
  2. Circuit breaker status in FDCS can feedback to OMS system.

Figure 4.4 Architecture for database incremental update and information exchange



Communication Protocols


Existing system communication architecture

Figure 4.5 Overview of the distribution of control centers in the power distribution area

Figure 4.6 Communication between control center and equipment

Promote actual performance

Figure 4.7 The actual performance of the number of automatic feeders and the number of switches

Figure 4.8 The percentage of recharges completed by the automated system within 5 minutes

Improve ADMS system (FDCS system) in response to the future development of smart grid

Promote the inclusion of smart grid functions

  1. Taiwan is actively promoting the policy of establishing a nuclear-free home by 2025and has set a new goal of increasing the proportion of renewable energy power generation to 20% by 2025. Renewable energy brings the hope of energy transition. TPC has to deal with the grid shock caused by the high penetration rate distributed power supply (DER) in advance.
  2. In order to create a friendly grid-connected environment, Taiwan Power Company has successively started grid improvement projects to increase the grid-connected capacity of renewable energy, and to avoid the impact of the uncertain characteristics and intermittent characteristics of renewable energy on the grid after the renewable energy is connected to the distribution network. Plan to integrate the power distribution FDCS system and the renewable energy management system and improve the flexibility of dispatching operation through its ability to monitor and integrate various information of the power distribution network.

ADMS continues to improve as a plan

  1. Integrate the Data for many distribution systems of TPC

    • TPC has commissioned the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute to conduct research on the introduction of Common Information Model (CIM) into smart grid application systems in 2019, and completed the CIM profile (CIM Profile) specification for TPC to build and integrate various The distribution monitoring system information is in the data application analysis platform.
    • TPC has also commissioned Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute to complete the GIS CIM profile format of the power distribution system. TPC will continue to implement the CIM format data exchange file (CIM Message) of each system of TPC according to this standard.
  2. ADMS system continues to promote

    • The plan for a new generation of ADMS system has been completed in 2020 to replace the existing FDCS (with ADMS function), and will integrate various power distribution subsystems, GIS map Integration of resources and OMS, FLISR (utilize power flow calculation), Distribution Power Flow calculation, Distribution State Estimation, Feeder Reconfiguration, Active Network Management and other smart grid functions.
    • In 2021, the planned ADMS content is entrusted to DNV International Consulting Company to formulate feasible technical specifications, and the public request for comments (RFC) and public request for quotation (RFQ) of technical specifications will be processed. There are international ADMS manufacturers such as Schneider, GE, ABB and MINSAIT ACS. Participate in providing comments on the content of the specifications. In January 2022, the bid is awarded. It contracted by MINSAIT ACS, Taiwan Fixed Network and Hsiang Cheng Electric. It will promote the upgrade of the power distribution system and introduce the MINSAIT ACS PRISM ADMS system. The project is working on solution design in 2022 and it is expected to be launched in 2025.

Implementation of smart grid application functions

Kinmen Distribution Branch pilots FDCS smart grid application platform

Figure 4.9 Function discussion

System one-line diagram


Accident transfer


Power flow analysis

Figure 4.10 System diagram control screen

Taiwan’s industry and TPC cooperate to promote smart grid applications

TPC and the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, Executive Yuanjointly develop smart grid application functions, start cross-industry cooperation between domestic power companies and institutes, conduct research on feeder dispatch related technologies for high proportion of renewable energy, and has been developed conduct pilot in Yunlin Distribution Branch.

Figure 4.11. Proof of tidal current calculation showing daytime surface

In recent years, as a large number of renewable energy sources are connected to the grid, the intermittent nature of their power generation has led to problems such as voltage fluctuations and three-phase imbalance in the distribution system. When an accident occurs on the feeder, the renewable energy power generation device will suspend power supply, making it difficult to transfer power downstream of the fault point when the load is too large. To this end, an optimal configuration strategy platform for distribution feeder tie switches was developed to equalize the feeder load by adjusting the opening and closing state settings of the tie switches of each feeder in the substation. Taking the substation in Taipower's Yunlin District as an example, the simulation results verified that the regional feeder load rate could be equalized, so as to avoid excessive load in the downstream healthy area of some feeders, thus facilitating the smooth transfer of faults.

Figure 4.12 Reverse power transmission control of renewable energy

In a complex power distribution system, due to the large number of nodes in the main feeder and branch lines, if you want to master the information of each node, you must install a lot of measuring equipment, which not only increases the cost, but also has a large amount of data in the transmission and collection. certain difficulty. When the proportion of renewable energy is gradually increased, and the node measurement data is limited, it is bound to be difficult to grasp the voltage rise caused by renewable energy power generation, which will affect the quality of power consumption. Therefore, a state estimation technology is developed. This technology can estimate the power generation state of the main and branch lines of the power distribution system, and compare the error value between the estimated result and the on-site measurement value, and at the same time display the estimated result in the geographic map data system ( As shown in Figure 4.12), to help dispatchers grasp the influence of distributed power supply on feeder changes, and check the location of abnormal monitoring equipment.

Figure 4.13 Geographic map data system

Figure 4.14 Dispatching system geographic map and single-line diagram

Develop a visual feeder dispatching management platform (as shown in Figure 4.14) to provide real-time visual information for dispatchers and emergency repair personnel when faults occur. This technology refers to IEC 61968 and IEC 61970 international standards to formulate a common information model for power distribution equipment. And use the common data format of the common information model to establish the integration of power monitoring and geospatial information, so as to reduce the error between the one-line diagram of the feeder operation on the distribution map and the field equipment, and ensure its correctness and operability.

Develop a visual feeder dispatching management platform (as shown in Figure 4.14) to provide real-time visual information for dispatchers and emergency repair personnel when faults occur. This technology refers to IEC 61968 and IEC 61970 international standards to formulate a common information model for power distribution equipment. And use the common data format of the common information model to establish the integration of power monitoring and geospatial information, so as to reduce the error between the one-line diagram of the feeder operation on the distribution map and the field equipment, and ensure its correctness and operability.

Figure 4.15 Visual feeder scheduling management platform

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